North Central Chapter Health Physics Society

Councilors are elected by the membership under Article V, Section 2 of the Bylaws and serve a two year term.

Duties: Assist the Officers of the Chapter in fulfilling the Objectives of the Chapter (see Article II, Section 1 of the Bylaws). Councilors guide the Officers by representing the views of the membership during Chapter policy discussions. Councilors may be appointed by the President to serve on ad hoc committees under Article IX, Section 1 of the Bylaws.

Fall Chapter Business Meeting: The two-year term of office begins at the end of the Chapter Business Meeting where election results are announced.

Executive Council Meetings: Attend the Executive Council Meeting and provide President and Secretary/Treasurer with a written report on any assigned duties.

General: Provide Secretary/Treasurer with contact information, including e-mail address, as soon as possible after any changes occur. Copy all members of the Executive Council on electronic communications relating to Chapter business. As much as possible, attend Chapter Meetings and Executive Council Meetings.

Reports: At some point during a Councilor's term he/she will summarize the proceedings of a Chapter Meeting and submit the summary to the Health Physics Newsletter Editor for publication in the Chapter News section. This report should be submitted within 30 days of the Chapter Meeting.

(December 2000)